Dr. Waldemar Spier Pokal – Weil Tradition Geschichte hat
Yalla Yalla Fortuna thanks F95.Antirazzista for the great opportunity to participate in the 4th „Dr. Waldemar Spier Cup“, a football tournament with Ultras from all over Germany, dedicated to the remembrance of the victims of the Nazi Era.
It’s been an honor – and a blast!
Who was Dr. Waldemar Spier?
He was the mastermind behind Fortunas one and only national championship in 1933, the coach of the „Meister-Mannschaft“. But instead of becoming a legend, Waldemar Spier wasn’t even allowed to celebrate the championship with his team.
But not because he did anything wrong.
Dr. Waldemar Spier was a jew.
In 1933, to the infinite and endless shame of all Germans, inhuman monsters came into power in Germany, the Nazis. Dr. Waldemar Spier was later deported to and died in the KZ in Auschwitz. Fortuna Düsseldorf Fans honor his memory with this tournament in his name.
Because we may never forget.
We are all human and it’s up to every single one of us, that history does not repeat itself.
We do not care if we are Muslims, Jews or Christians.
We have the responsibility, no, the duty, that things like that can’t ever happen again.
Further Information:
Choreo Dr. Waldemar Spier 2015:
Choreo Dr. Waldemar Spier 2013: